Taboo (2017) is a drama set in 1814, created by Steven Knight, Tom Hardy and Chips Hardy, and distributed between BBC, HULU and FX.
Taboo (2017) is a drama set in 1814, created by Steven Knight, Tom Hardy and Chips Hardy, and distributed between BBC, HULU and FX.
Verónica (2017) is a supernatural horror film directed by Paco Plaza and Based on the Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro case.
Phasmophobia is an indie occult detective videogame developed and published by Kinetic Games. Unravel the secrets in solo or co-op gameplay.
This review will cover “Jibaro” and the Volume 3 review from Tim Miller's Love, Death & Robots collection. A Netflix original series.
This review will cover “Mason’s Rats” and “In Vaulted Halls Entombed” from Tim Miller & Netflix's Love, Death & Robots collection.
This review will cover “Kill Team Kill” and “Swarm” from Tim Miller's Love, Death & Robots collection. A Netflix original series.
This review will cover “The Very Pulse of the Machine” and “Night of the Mini Dead" from Netflix's Love, Death & Robots collection.
This review will cover “Three Robots: Exit Strategies” and “Bad Travelling" from Tim Miller & Netflix's Love, Death & Robots collection.
This review will cover “Life Hutch” and “The Drowned Giant" from Tim Miller's Love, Death & Robots collection. A Netflix original series.
This review covers "Pop Squad" & "Snow in the Desert" from Tim Miller and Netflix's Love, Death & Robots. Episode 3 & 4.
This review covers "Pop Squad" & "Snow in the Desert" from Tim Miller and Netflix's Love, Death & Robots. Episode 3 & 4
This review covers "Ice" & "Automated Customer Service" from Tim Miller and Netflix's Love, Death & Robots. Episode 1 & 2
This review will cover Love, Death & Robot's “Blindspot” and “Zima Blue,” Tim Miller's Netflix original series.
This review will cover "Alternate Histories" and "Lucky 13" of Tim Miller's Love, Death & Robots, a Netflix series. Episodes 15 and 16.
This review will cover “Fish Night” and “Helping Hands" of Tim Miller's Love, Death and Robots, a Netflix original show. Episode 13 & 14.
As mentioned in the previous review, this series follows Netflix’s Love, Death & Robots. Feel free to skip this paragraph if you read any others. Tim...
As mentioned in the previous review, this series follows Netflix’s Love, Death & Robots. Feel free to skip this paragraph if you read any others. Tim...
Netflix's Love, Death & Robot is an animated collection created by Tim Miller. This review will discuss “Sucker of Souls” & “The Witness.”
As mentioned in the previous review, this series follows Netflix’s Love, Death & Robots. Feel free to skip this paragraph if you read the first. Tim...