Episode two of Dexter managed to do something important right off the bat. Something that, without which, the show wouldn’t have been able to survive. It...
The poster features an image of a naked human woman trapped in a large glass jar with a twig and a leaf, depicted as if in...
Launched on October 1st of 2006, Dexter set the standard for the anti-hero main character. Its bloody, gory, sexy brand of storytelling inspired many other writers...
Terror Train – This review is all spoilers. In this episode of Club Misery we bring you the magical queerness of the 80s slasher TERRORTRAIN. Hold...
Saint Maud was among the many movies in limbo in 2020. After various stalled, canceled and rescheduled release dates, Rose Glass’s debut film was finally available...
I re-read that because I really don’t have nice eyes. My eyes are globs of slung mud and gravel on two cracked plates, yellowed by age...
For being known as an author of heavy tomes, Stephen King has a little-known secret. His short stories are hidden gems. Many are well known. Movies,...
As soon as one young couple tore down the yellow caution tape plastered across the front door, picked the locks and entered the abandoned house, the...
Back in its heyday in the 80’s and 90’s, the mall was bustling with all kinds of activity, mostly teens hanging out, browsy shoppers with or...
As a huge fan of VanderMeer, his Southern Reach trilogy in particular, I was so excited for this sequel to one of my favorites. Borne –...
Welcome to the second installment of Graphic Content‘s “Just Swamp Things.” Why is Swamp Thing fighting mutants atop a gothic castle? Who is the strange crone-like...
Joe Roald sat at the bar, staring at the local church through the window. The signboard read a simple, chilling message: IRIS ELLEN MEMORIAL Sept. 4,...
Mom was in the garden. Louis could hear her humming to herself as she puttered her way through the flower bed. She was taking off the...
Join the Streamin Demons where we discuss the borrowed – Phobias: Anthology of Fears (2021), the old – The Thaw (2009), and the new – Stay...
Witness Infection — the new Horror Comedy from the minds of Carlos Alazraqui and Jill-Michele Melean! If you liked Shaun of the Dead, you’re going to...
The Plot Putney is an examination of control, grooming, psychology, and rape. The novel is told from three perspectives: the abuser, the victim, and the witness....
The Evil Queen’s biggest mistake was always listening to that mirror and not coming to her own conclusions. Competition, contempt and jealousy beget more of the...
There is so much about Stephen King’s and Joe Hill’s In the Tall Grass that I want to know that isn’t answered by either the movie...
J.M and Nicole share the sad story of Shanda Sharer, a young woman brutally slain by her classmates. Her death caused a ripple of pain through...
From a Buick 8 is possibly the most beautiful, impactful novel that Stephen King has ever written. It’s the one that’s stayed with me the longest...