In 2019, German writer and filmmaker Rudolph Herzog stepped into the world of fiction with Ghosts of Berlin, a quirky collection of seven short ghost stories. Translated...
When I saw the picture of the homicidal Easter Bunny, I HAD to know more about the creators of BURLAP. Not only did I learn much...
A look back at The Colour Out of Space… “The Colour Out of Space” was not the first piece of fiction H.P. Lovecraft is known for....
We return to the world of Killadelphia with the second issue. The issue continues the “Sins of the Father” arc, with a story titled “Death, My...
Count Crowley: Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter feels very familiar. Riding a wave of nostalgia, Count Crowley features material that evokes things that you already know and...
If anybody has mastered the art of building tension in storytelling, it’s Samanta Schweblin. In 2014, she published her novella Distancia de rescate. In 2017 Megan McDowell...
In essence, Killadelphia #1 is a new vampire horror series published by Image Comics set in a vampire-infested Philadelphia. To be more accurate, however, the full...
I always used to think H.P. Lovecraft was a lazy writer. The first story of his I read was “The Transition of Juan Romero” because it...
Damian is a lifelong documentary photographer who originally hails from Newark, Delaware. Damian earned a bachelor’s degree in English and Anthropology from Boston University and boarded...
“I don’t think there’s anything here that can hurt you.” Down to its bare knickers, The Shining is a haunted house story Stephen King’s Overlook Hotel...
Hickeys From Hell Vampires are a staple of horror since the dawn of human fear. There’s the sexy bloodsucker craze with Twilight, The Lost Boys, and...
Except for Evil Dead, if you're getting chuckles in a horror movie you've failed.
We return to the occult adventures of John Constantine. This new series follows the one-shot that introduced him back into a world he had left long...
John Darnielle’s debut novel, Wolf in White Van, is a New York Times bestseller, finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, and a National Book...
Where it all started… The Hellbound Heart started life humbly tucked away in an anthology released in November of 1986. Night Visions Volume 3 featured Ramsey...
The Beginning of a Classic, Ain’t It? Let’s face it, Stephen King is one of the most recognizable authors in our lifetime. He produced such hits...
Mike Mignola presents a one-shot Hellboy tale set in the prime of Hellboy’s career with the B.P.R.D.. While the story reveals little new about that time...
I ran into Free League Publishing at GenCon 2019 by mistake. I was looking for another booth and I found this Aliens looking creation. Turns out,...
The review copy of Stoker and Wells: Order of the Golden Dawn came in the mail and I was stoked. I love Dracula. I love Time...
The petty dabbler is back in a big way in DC Comics’ Black Label imprint. John Constantine is part of the extensive new Sandman Universe headed...