Derry Girls, the Irish Channel 4 comedy series, depicts a group of friends living during the time of The Troubles. But the country’s war with itself...
Stalactite Stalagmite – Horror Art Stalactite Stalagmite – Horror Art Jimbo here! What can we say about Denny E. Marshall that we haven’t already? We love...
The seventh episode of the third season of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs brings us the modern classic Train to Busan (2016) and the...
Denny E Marshall has had art, poetry, and fiction published. One recent credit is interior art in Midnight Echo #14. See more at
What the Queen Knows Bill travels to Louisiana to speak with Sophie-Ann, the queen, to find out what she knows about killing a maenad. Sophie-Ann doesn’t...
Pride Month Kickoff Jim here. Let’s see, this story is a bit of creative non-fiction (visual style), that is. I’m not too sure how everything will...
In Furious Hours: Murder, Fraud, and the Last Trial of Harper Lee, Casey Cep takes on a journalistic approach, weaving together the stories of a murderous...
On the seventh day of murder house, we’ll be slaughtered by… Two broken babies A damaged teen school shooter An emotionally broken girlfriend Two fighting boyfriends...
In a show that’s all about death and dying, it takes something for death to touch a viewer. And yet, one of Dexter’s strengths is that...
Bill, Sookie, and Jason return to a Bon Temps in the throes of Maryann’s power. At Sookie’s house, Maryann is building a really gross rotting fruit...
Most people can’t fathom the idea that their significant other might harbor a dark secret. You live with your spouse, eat with them, sleep beside them,...
In the last episode, we talked about Deb and Dexter both learning a lesson. It seems that Deb’s going to learn hers before Dexter gets around...
On the sixth day of murder house, we’ll be slaughtered by… A damaged teen school shooter An emotionally broken girlfriend Two fighting boyfriends One crying socialite ...
Kyle opened the fridge to grab a beer. “Hey, bro. How could you?” “What, man?” Darius hollered towards the kitchen from the living room, still engrossed...
Dexter’s learning a valuable lesson in this episode. We all have different roles we fill in our lives. The partner, the co-worker. The passionate serial killer....
Army of the Dead – Page of Madness – Benny Loves You Today’s exciting episode of Streamin’ Demons, the Demons take on the old with the...
Boy, oh boy, do I love ‘Sam and Mattie Make a Zombie Movie‘. You can see my written review HERE and my podcast review (spoiler-free) HERE....
Pod – Horror Art Jimbo here! What can we say about Denny E. Marshall that we haven’t already? We love his work—it’s fun with funky. This...
A science fiction urban horror set in the South of London, Attack the Block centers on five teenage boys in the midst of an alien invasion....
We open with the aftermath of the suicide bombing. All of our big players – Sookie, Jason, Bill, Eric, Godric – seem to be okay. That...