There are many themes in American Horror Story. Many things we can expect, anticipate. One steadfast rule is that while bravery isn’t always rewarded, cowardice is...
Okay, Killer Queens. I have to say this if only to get it out of my system. Mr. Jingles sounds like a cat’s name, and I...
It’s almost summertime, Killer Queens, and it’s time for us to dive into our last season of American Horror Story. We’re going back in time, to...
We’ve come to the end of American Horror Story Apocalypse, Killer Queens. And this season finale is easily the best one in the show’s history. Every...
We have a very different Michael in this episode of American Horror Story Apocalypse than we did before, Killer Queens. He’s feeling himself more, he’s ready...
I think we all spend some time in our late teens, and early twenties completely lost. In American Horror Story, it appears that this time has...
I had a deep sense of pity for the albinos who work for the witches in this episode of American Horror Story. Imagine being considered a...
I can honestly say, Killer Queens, that this episode is my favorite episode of American Horror Story of all time. And with a rating of 9.2...
We’re still in the past for this episode of American Horror Story Apocalypse. And we’re still seeing Cordelia and Michael play this strange game of back...
On March 27th, 2021, over a year ago, I published my first post about Dexter. Today, I’m posting my last. It’s at an end, it’s all...
At this point in the season, American Horror Story Apocalypse could more properly be called American Horror Story Coven part two. Because we’re going right back...
This episode, Killer Queens, was baller. There was a moment when I was cheering like I was at the Super Bowl. I’m sure you’ll know it...
This episode of American Horror Story has everyone going a bit mad. We see who someone is when their back is against the wall. And it...
And just like that, the world ended. It’s time now to discuss possibly the last great season of American Horror Story, Apocalypse. This is the second...
It seems that the second to last Dexter novel has finally broken out of the rut the series has fallen into. Just in time for it...
As never-ending as political elections feel, they do all come to an end. Like that, we’ve now reached the end of American Horror Story, Cult. We...
Normally the second to last episode of an American Horror Story season is the big one of the year. It’s got all the pizazz. The flash...
America has a rich history of messed up people and horrific situations. More than enough to keep American Horror Story alive and well for years to...
The scary thing about a cult is that, at least at first, it seems to give you what you need. Something you find valuable. No one...
This is our sixth Dexter novel and I have to say, I’m starting to cool on the series. Not because it’s getting bad. But because it’s...