Trick is a 2019 slasher film directed by Patrick Lussier, currently free for Hulu subscribers. It is available for purchase at many platforms
Christmastime is here, and it’s time for a barrage of holiday movies. While most of these tend to be all about love, warmth, and dogs in...
They Were Here Before Us is a 98-page novella-in-pieces by Eric LaRocca and independent horror publisher Bad Hand Books. Eric LaRocca is a Bram Stoker Award®-nominated...
This review will discuss “Or Stay and Die,” the eighth episode of Showtime's Let the Right One In series released on November 27th, 2022.
In his slow burn thriller Aurora, David Koepp shows us a world gone dark. Aubrey, in Aurora, Illinois, is trying to escape the clutches of her...
Welcome to another episode of Brannyk talks about Small Town Monsters. We’ve explored aliens giving boo boos to cows, totally Bigfoot, a big ol’ stinky doggo,...
Free League Publishing, a Swedish role-playing game and artbook publisher of award-winning titles such as Forbidden Lands, MÖRK BORG, Alien RPG, and Tales From the Loop,...
The Picture of Dorian Gray is a Classic neo-Gothic literary novel that has been revived and revisited in so many homages, from literature to music to...
Review of the 2022 Texas Chainsaw Massacre film streaming on Netflix. A brief overview of my opinions regarding the remake/sequel's pros and cons.
Ryan sat at the table. He could eat no more. He’d already had more than his fill of turkey and mashed potatoes and green bean casserole...
The Last Drive In with Joe Bob Briggs is the focus for the night. Will the other demons agree with Jim that TLDI is the best...
No Exit is a 2022 film adaptation of Taylor Adams' novel of the same name. Distributed by Hulu and directed by Damien Power.
This review will discuss “More than You’ll Ever Know,” the seventh episode of Let the Right One In released on November 20th, 2022.
Released in October of this year, Mr. Harrington’s Phone is based on a novella by Stephen King. It was part of a collection called If It...
In response to the United States Supreme Court overturn of Roe v. Wade and to consider the pending Haunted MTL Bodies womens’ anthology, here is another...
I am going to warn you now, Killer Queens, that the finale of American Horror Story NYC was heavy. It was incredibly hard to watch. It...
Buffy S1E9 recap springs off with the Muppets! Ohh..errmmm…wait…the puppets. Is this the episode that will make Jim watch the show or take him to the...
We’ve reached the second to last episode of American Horror Story NYC. And it has been a hell of a ride. Some people have called this...
“The Loop’s presence was felt everywhere on the Mälaren Islands. Our parents worked there. Riksenergi’s service vehicles patrolled the roads and the skies. Strange machines roamed...
No Exit is a novel written by Taylor Adams. Originally published in 2017 by Joffe Books. This review will cover the HarperCollins edition.