Welcome back all to our weekly meeting where we discuss The Last Drive-In. This is Notes from the Last Drive-In and this week we get the...
Two lessons can be learned from this episode. One, an older guy’s ass can be just as fine as any others. And two, if you think...
Shapeshifting Lovers We begin with Sam and Daphne. Sam denies that he understands what Daphne means about knowing his secret. Daphne shows him how she can...
With Godzilla Vs. Kong successfully reigniting a classic rivalry and rejuvenating the mythic Godzilla, it only seems appropriate to retrace our collective steps and remember how...
Happy Mother’s Day to all those beloved Mummies out there! Artwork description: A Happy Mother’s Day card featuring a picture of a pink glitter wrapped Barbie...
Poor Dexter. All he wants is some time to himself in the morning to read the paper, drink his coffee and plan the gruesome murders of...
Madman In this glorious moment of history, our HauntedMTL podders team up to take on dynamic team from What’s Your (Least) Favorite Scary Movie Podcast? Together...
Welcome to Notes from the Last Drive-In. Normally these go up on Mondays, but some real-life engagements delayed my chance to view the films and write...
May offers another fresh batch of horror on Shudder across the world. This month there are several major premiere and exclusives as well as some old...
Stephen King is known for his gruesome imagination, unique prose, frightening monsters, and a narrative voice that gently borders on breaking the fourth wall. You can...
In this episode of True Blood, we open with Jason returning from his dinner with Steve and Sarah. Everyone in the dorms is dead, attacked by...
Life is better when you take the driver’s seat and make things happen. This is easy to understand but less easy to put into practice. The...
Things are piling up for Dexter. It’s halfway through the season, so we can assume things are only going to get worse from here. We start...
Sookie Almost Dies… Again We open with Bill, Sookie, and Jessica leaving her parents’ home. We learn that after Bill urged Jessica’s little sister to invite...
You may remember my post from January 13, 2021 featuring the Hauntings photographs at the abandoned penitentiary. https://hauntedmtl.com/originals/hauntings-original-photos-from-jennifer-weigel/ Anyway, I’ve digitally altered some of my favorite...
INDEPENDENCE, OHIO – Employees of a local call center are frustrated with their employers’ implementation of a new business model for 2021. Jason Argon, who has...
The Plot A stranger approaches our nameless narrator at her movie theater job selling popcorn in the middle of nowhere. She doesn’t have any family or...
In this episode of Dexter, we get to see our favorite serial killer in some ways we haven’t before. We’ll see him proud, something I don’t...
Jessica, the Wild Child Sookie and Bill, having made up, seem to have a strong trust and bond going. For now. Something always seems to come...
I honestly think this episode almost made Rita take a turn with the butcher knife. If she did, I’m not sure anyone would blame her. Let’s...