The Secret of Sinchanee is an ambitious film written by, directed by, and starring Steven Grayhm. Its story follows Will Stark as he works through traumas...
Deadline published a story today that the upcoming Hulu and Spyglass Media Group reboot of Hellraiser has found their Pinhead in actress Jamie Clayton. The reboot,...
We start this episode just where the last one left off. Edward Mordrake is searching through the freak show, looking for the freak who’s going to...
We’ve reached another Halloween episode of AHS, Killer Queens. So we’re diving into a two-part episode. There’s a carney superstition that no one is to perform...
We open with Marnie-as-Antonia escaping after having her easily turned vampire minion kill the guard that was holding her. She leaves him with a message for...
Sometimes even when you see something coming, it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. That’s how I felt about this episode. I knew a...
Shudder’s “The 61 Days of Halloween” wraps up this October with a whole (horror) host of premieres and specials across all regions. Let our content guide...
It’s that time again where we join Joe Bob Briggs for a Halloween Hoedown. Shudder has revealed some details on next week’s event and revealed David...
For someone who didn’t consider sex a big deal at the start of the series, Dexter is sure thinking with his dick a lot. If I’m...
We have news about a new Shudder original in development for the horror streaming service. Raging Grace, due in 2022 also marks the first British-Filipino feature...
More Shudder news today with the release of key art, a trailer, and a guide to Shudder‘s upcoming docu-series Behind the Monsters. This project promises some...
I was of two minds about this episode, Killer Queens. Possibly because it seemed to be of two minds about itself. We started in 1954. A...
Dexter’s had a lot of relationships over the last seven seasons. More than one would expect for a serial killer. There was Lila, the crazy stalker...
More news from Shudder with the news that they will be premiering The Seed in 2022. The film, directed by Sam Walker, will premier on Shudder...
And just like that, Killer Queens, Twisty the Clown is not my least favorite character this season. We start this episode of Freak Show with the...
Let me tell you something about orchids. They’re beautiful, elegant, and damned hard to care for. Dexter ends up with not one, but two throughout this...
Slasher S4E8 kicks us from the Turn into the Prestige. This is probably the best example of a closing statement for a ‘one-off’ type series as...
Written and directed by Robert Eggers with a distribution team that included A24, Elevation Pictures, and Universal Pictures, The Witch is a 2015 movie. One might...
We open this episode back where Sookie and Eric are making out. Things seem to be progressing but — oops, Bill shows up. Bill is fuming...
Directed by Michael Powell and distributed by Anglo-Amalgamated Film Distributors, Peeping Tom is a 1960 film. As the name implies, the subject matter was certainly taboo...