Hello friends, welcome to another Weekly Wail takeover by current Throwdown Champion and incorrigible underdog, J.M. Brannyk.
It’s been a rough few weeks (haha, months, years, decades), so let’s take a break from fireside chats and have some good ol’ fun talking about movie covers this week. Specifically possession movie covers and just having a lark with them. So, this will be less “talk”-y and more “look”-y.
Possession – a dangerous dance with The Devil
This started when I took a look at a preview of the movie St. Maud (to be optimistically released July 17, 2020) by Rose Glass:
It reminded me of a certain…something…
To be honest, it’s an old trope of a cover or possession – floaty and/or contorted girl. It’s been replicated time and time again, on covers and also usually in the movie at some point. I would wager it stems from The Exorcist and I get it – it’s shorthand for “somethin’ ain’t right here. However, when it’s used a lot, it’s, well…
So floaty…So bendy…
Sadly, Danny Trejo did not partake in the trope.
I’m disappointed in you, Trejo
But when did possession and Flashdance really cross paths?
Maybe older than you think…
As we see from Goya’s ‘St. Francis Borgia, Exorcizing’ from 1788, the use of jazz hands are used in combating with the demons:
St. Fosse would be proud
And another painting, supposedly of St. Pius V in Santa Sabina Cha Cha Sliding out a demon:
Two stomps, indeed
Flashdance and Possession Films
So, it makes sense that the forces of good and evil like to tango, probably literally. It, indeed, makes sense that an 80’s beloved classic and horror should be interwoven in fate. They are one in the same and now hard to distinguish from the other. They, together, are rhythm now. And, oh, what a feeling – the feeling of darkness and light fighting for dominance in the dance.
And aren’t we all, in one way or another, dancing for our livesand our very souls?
On the Flipside:
Turning it on its head, what if Flashdance were a horror story? A story of a woman possessed by the drive to dance? And she feels the need….the need for brisé…
A welder by day and a demon by night…She’s just looking for the fight of HER LIFE!!!!
This was a bit of a deviation from most Weekly Wails that David writes, heck, even from what I generally do, but I think we all needed to take a break and poke some good-natured fun at a thing we enjoy.
But, Hollywood, I’m serious. If you’re listening, I wouldn’t mind a played-straight mash-up of Flashdance and demon possession.
When not ravaging through the wilds of Detroit with Jellybeans the Cat, J.M. Brannyk (a.k.a. Boxhuman) reviews mostly supernatural and slasher films from the 70's-90's and is dubiously HauntedMTL's Voice of Reason.
Aside from writing, Brannyk dips into the podcasts, and is the composer of many of HauntedMTL's podcast themes.
“But Brannyk,” you may be thinking, “what am I supposed to do now that I am no longer a real being? How shall I spend my days?”
Unfortunately, the government has not released a handbook for this occasion, so I thought we could brainstorm together.
I’m sure it’s lost in the mail…
There are some benefits to being a ghost, for sure.
No rent or insurance payment. No corporate job, no cleaning cat litter, no AT&T trying to sell you another line after repeatedly telling them that you just want to make sure that your autopayment is on, but they’re all like, ‘Why would you pass up such a bargain on a second line? Are you an idiot?Why wouldn’t you need another phone line?‘ and so you have to tell them, “Because I’M DIVORCED, ASSHOLE, THANKS FOR REMINDING ME OF THAT!”
Or, my absolute biggest pet peeve, when you’re practicing for the ghost speed chair-stacking championship and the normies just don’t appreciate your cool skills.
The cool thing is that they come in all shapes and sizes.
Look at that face and tell me they’re not having the time of their lifeThese are literally just rock monstersYou can be…whatever the fuck they are….No. I’m not making the joke.
Monsters are generally misunderstood. Some have their fans. Others are hated.
So basically, just like people, except with more tentacles.
The only downsides are that you might be too big or too “ick” for some people (these can also be pluses), you may have a taste for human flesh (no judgement), or the biggest issue – there are too many choices.
You could get stuck trying to figure out what kind of monster you are. If you’re not into labels, it’s an absolute nightmare. Or if you’re like me, it’ll be like standing in Subway for 15 minutes trying to figure out what toppings and dressings you want while the “sandwich artist” is openly judging you.
(4 / 5)
I like the customization, but it can be a bit too overwhelming.
Hear me out. I know it seems a lot like the monster category, but it’s not quite.
Cryptids are weird and mysterious. They keep to themselves. They have people who are fascinated by them and post on Reddit about them. Some have people making documentaries about them.
They’re like monsters’ quieter cousin who reads books in the corner at family gatherings. They collect shiny things they find by the side of the road. Sometimes they’ll steal a peanut butter sandwich or two.
Each one kinda has their own goals and priorities. Their own hangouts and interests. But unlike monsters, they’re not looking to rock any boats-
oh, uh…
Never mind, I stand corrected.
(5 / 5)
I like the freedoms of being a cryptid and also dig the cottage-core vibe I get from them.
I know it’s hard right now. It’s going to be hard. You may not exist to some assholes, but you are real. You have real feelings and thoughts and dreams. You have a real future. You have real decisions. Real actions that affect this world.
You have the real ability to wake up tomorrow and choose to exist. And for whatever reason you choose. Use it. Ghosts and monsters and cryptids are powerful, just like you are, even when you don’t feel like it. They have a place in our human world, just like you do. You make this world interesting and important.
You are part of this world, you are real, and you are not alone.
The horror community is one of acceptance, diversity, creativity and passion. In these times, it needs to be. We need to rely on each other. We need to cultivate and protect each other, as much as we need to protect ourselves.
And it looks like I’ll be coming out of my own cryptid hovel I’ve spent the past few years in to remind you that. My job isn’t done. Not by a longshot. And neither is yours.
If you live in the United States, it’s time to rock the vote for real. I shared this video before in conjunction with my identity-based costume work, and I feel it’s important to revisit now, with the election coming up in just a few days. Besides which, Jack Black and Tenacious D are brilliant and given the current political climate, who doesn’t want to do the time warp? But seriously, get out and rock the vote, your life kinda does depend on it (at least insomuch as being able to make for yourself the life that you want, without the government telling you how to do so – especially if you live on the fringes of socially acceptable awkwardness like me and so many of my friends).
tenacious d rock-y the vote
Besides which, this video is so good, it’s worth sharing again anyway. And again, if for some reason the video doesn’t load, you can find it here.
Tow Away Zone photograph of sign and flag as found by Jennifer WeigelTow Away Zone photograph in flag form
Art Attack
And here are some artworks I made awhile back as political commentary. The photograph was shot of the scene exactly as found, of a sign above a parking lot in a quickly gentrifying neighborhood making sure all knew that any unauthorized vehicles were unwelcome, and hung right in front of a flag that was tattered and torn from being caught on the chain link fence driving the point home. The flags were meant to be interactive, with gallerygoers waving them while singing The Star Spangled Banner in its elitist entirety. The whole really spoke to me regarding some of the political climate at the time (this was right before Trump was elected President the first time). How much has changed since then? In some ways, a lot. In other ways, I guess we shall see.
So on my recent road trip to Miami AZ USA for my menstruation art installation, we decided to detour to Roswell NM en route home. To be honest, this was one of the best decisions of my life, up there with road trippin’ from Arizona to San Francisco along CA-Highway 1, and I will go into the details of why here soon.
Some of the signs: Roswell NM
Roswell NM USA has totally embraced its alien history of the UFO crash in the late 1940s and subsequent government cover up. The whole town is alien-happy with beautiful hand carved wood totems, murals and statues everywhere celebrating otherworldly denizens of all types, though predominantly the gray aliens of the crash (and their green counterparts). Even the city logo features a flying saucer as the center of the letter “R”. It really is kind of incredible.
Alien crash site photo opportunity
One of the biggest draws is the International UFO Museum and Research Center, housed in the wonderful old theater building. This museum details the crash history as well as celebrating aliens in movies and media and examining newer alien sightings and abductions. It is very thorough and includes maquettes, statues, written accounts and an extensive research library, as well as an interesting art collection of various items.
Alien landing
And there are TONS of fun alien themed curiosity shops. I will give a shout out to the newer Invasion Station north on Main Street where there had once been an old car dealership. I love the quirky nature of this particular store as well as their strong desire to promote local artists. Most of their wares are hand-painted in NM and feature designs by prominent local artists including one of the lead muralists in town (I bought a magnet of his). They also feature really alternative kitsch like KISS and Ace Frehley alien bobbleheads, marijuana and anal references, and such. All in all, our own Haunted MTL’s kinda folks…
Portrait at Roswell Visitor Center
And the city is a huge tourist draw internationally, so you can meet some amazing and interesting folks from all walks of life who have caught the alien bug or at least want to check out all the hype. As a result of the tourism, the residents seem really laid back and accommodating (kind of like Hawaii but not quite as much) and there is a thriving art scene. And it’s totally my kind of art – weird and a little creepy. Anyway, I feel like I’ve finally found my peeps and am eager to return someday.
Portrait of myself with dark makeup and crow skull headdress, backlit by the sun.
If you’re feeling a bit extraterrestrial, I invite you to also check out some of my alien-themed stories here on Haunted MTL: LTD UFOs among us; my Drive-By short story; and LTD Abducted.
June 28, 2020 at 9:50 pm
I mean, there is that famous story about people way back when who danced themselves to death. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dancing_plague_of_1518