Ah, the suburbs. It’s paradise, the American Dream. A whole community of families to fit right into. Kids, moms, dads. All part of one big, suffocating,...
Dexter is a man in need of a nap. He needs some serious self-care and rest. One would think that a car crash that he was...
Season four of Dexter certainly starts with a bang. Or, a crash. But we’ll get to that soon. Dexter’s come a long way since season one....
On the eleventh day of murder house, we’ll be slaughtered by… One stillborn baby One long-suffering queen One toasty abandoned family A mopy emo teenager The...
On the tenth day of murder house, we’ll be slaughtered by… One toasty abandoned family A mopy emo teenager The actual Black Daliah Two broken babies...
The final episode of season three of Dexter felt almost like a letdown. Not that it was bad, mind you. It’s just that when you kill...
Last episode ended with Dexter getting thrown into a trunk and fearing for his life. Being the clever monster that he is, he manages to get...
On the ninth day of murder house, we’ll be slaughtered by… The actual Black Daliah Two broken babies A damaged teen school shooter An emotionally broken...
I think Dexter’s finally found someone as smart as he is. This is not, obviously, a good thing. But Miguel, he’s smart. Way too smart to...
On the eighth day of murder house, we’ll be slaughtered by… Two broken babies A damaged teen school shooter An emotionally broken girlfriend Two fighting boyfriends...
A couple of lessons can be learned from this episode of Dexter. A couple who communicates is hard to beat. Just because a man’s lying about...
We all have certain rules in our lives. Some are small and of low consequence. No no consequence of course, because then the rule wouldn’t have...
On the seventh day of murder house, we’ll be slaughtered by… Two broken babies A damaged teen school shooter An emotionally broken girlfriend Two fighting boyfriends...
In a show that’s all about death and dying, it takes something for death to touch a viewer. And yet, one of Dexter’s strengths is that...
In the last episode, we talked about Deb and Dexter both learning a lesson. It seems that Deb’s going to learn hers before Dexter gets around...
On the sixth day of murder house, we’ll be slaughtered by… A damaged teen school shooter An emotionally broken girlfriend Two fighting boyfriends One crying socialite ...
Dexter’s learning a valuable lesson in this episode. We all have different roles we fill in our lives. The partner, the co-worker. The passionate serial killer....
We’re seeing a change in Dexter this season. Whether it’s for the better or not is still under review. We start this episode with Rita and...
On the fifth day of murder house, we’ll be slaughtered by… An emotionally broken girlfriend Two fighting boyfriends One crying socialite One maid of fury Two...
Dexter’s not the kind of guy who strikes one as a family man. But, that seems to be exactly what he’s turning into. Don’t worry, there’s...