Dexter finds himself drawing closer and closer to Lumen in this episode. He’s making sure she’s eating. He even invited her to stay in the house. ...
If you’re not watching along with me, now is the time to start. Dexter comes back in November. In this episode, we explore just how much...
Episode five of Dexter was a slow burn kind of episode. A lot happened, but it took a while to get there. Not that I consider...
Trust was a big topic in this episode of Dexter. And it makes sense. As adults, we know that earning the trust of new people can...
If you’ve ever lost a loved one, then you know there comes a moment where life has to go on. No matter how much you hurt,...
This episode of Dexter was another hard one. It made me wish Dexter would get back to killing people. Rita’s gone, so Dexter’s a single father...
This episode was a difficult one to watch. It’s not like any episode that we’ve seen so far. It was sad, painful. Trigger warning. If you’ve...
Watching a show years after its original air date has its downsides, that’s for sure. But when a season ends in a gut-wrenching cliffhanger, I’m really...
We’re getting down to the end of this season of Dexter. So of course things are starting to heat up for everyone. We’ve got a lot...
Thanksgiving can be a stressful time for the most healthy of families. So for a family with a monster at the head, it can get brutal....
In this episode, Dexter and Arthur go on a road trip together. An awkward creepy trip that made me cringe and kind of want to die....
We all make mistakes, some big, some small. Most of our mistakes don’t involve killing an innocent man, of course. But we’ll get to that. This...
This was an exciting episode of Dexter. Not so much because there was a lot of blood. There wasn’t really. But because Dexter and the Trinity...
This episode of Dexter talks a lot about honesty. Two characters tell the truth, and one lies. One who told the truth probably shouldn’t have. First,...
We all need a break sometimes. Especially after a difficult time. And recently Dexter’s had a very difficult time. So when Rita takes the kids to...
Dexter is a man in need of a nap. He needs some serious self-care and rest. One would think that a car crash that he was...
Season four of Dexter certainly starts with a bang. Or, a crash. But we’ll get to that soon. Dexter’s come a long way since season one....
The final episode of season three of Dexter felt almost like a letdown. Not that it was bad, mind you. It’s just that when you kill...
Last episode ended with Dexter getting thrown into a trunk and fearing for his life. Being the clever monster that he is, he manages to get...
I think Dexter’s finally found someone as smart as he is. This is not, obviously, a good thing. But Miguel, he’s smart. Way too smart to...