A couple of lessons can be learned from this episode of Dexter. A couple who communicates is hard to beat. Just because a man’s lying about...
We all have certain rules in our lives. Some are small and of low consequence. No no consequence of course, because then the rule wouldn’t have...
In a show that’s all about death and dying, it takes something for death to touch a viewer. And yet, one of Dexter’s strengths is that...
In the last episode, we talked about Deb and Dexter both learning a lesson. It seems that Deb’s going to learn hers before Dexter gets around...
Dexter’s learning a valuable lesson in this episode. We all have different roles we fill in our lives. The partner, the co-worker. The passionate serial killer....
We’re seeing a change in Dexter this season. Whether it’s for the better or not is still under review. We start this episode with Rita and...
Dexter’s not the kind of guy who strikes one as a family man. But, that seems to be exactly what he’s turning into. Don’t worry, there’s...
Last season I worried that Dexter was getting cocky. He was starting to think that God was looking out for him, even though he doesn’t believe...
As season three starts, Dexter’s life is feeling almost perfect. He and Rita are doing great. Deb’s getting healthy. Work is back to its old equilibrium....
Spoiler Warning! The end of season two of Dexter left me with a lot of emotions. In many ways, it was good. Some people got what...
If you or someone you love is having thoughts of self harm or suicide, please don’t hesitate to ask for help. Here’s a link to a...
Two lessons can be learned from this episode. One, an older guy’s ass can be just as fine as any others. And two, if you think...
Poor Dexter. All he wants is some time to himself in the morning to read the paper, drink his coffee and plan the gruesome murders of...
Life is better when you take the driver’s seat and make things happen. This is easy to understand but less easy to put into practice. The...
Things are piling up for Dexter. It’s halfway through the season, so we can assume things are only going to get worse from here. We start...
I honestly think this episode almost made Rita take a turn with the butcher knife. If she did, I’m not sure anyone would blame her. Let’s...
How far would you go, would any of us go, for someone we love? Most of us would say we’d do anything for them. We’d die...
This episode of Dexter pulled at my heart strings. Of course, I have a dark twisted little heart. So that might just be me. We start...
Season two of Dexter didn’t start with a bang. It was more of a slow burn leading to an explosive ending. Dexter’s life isn’t going great....
And now we come to the end of Dexter. At least, the end of season one. There are quite a few seasons to go. But we’ll...