We have a well-named episode this time, Killer Queens, as we’re treated to the origin stories for some of the darkest characters on the show. Before...
It’s time for five tiny terrors on another episode of Web of Darkness. If you haven’t seen this show before, it’s a good time. If you...
Watching a show years after its original air date has its downsides, that’s for sure. But when a season ends in a gut-wrenching cliffhanger, I’m really...
We’re getting down to the end of this season of Dexter. So of course things are starting to heat up for everyone. We’ve got a lot...
Don’t start this before you read part one! God, how I wish they didn’t exist. Frankie was way ahead of me on the road. How the...
American Horror Story does a lot of things well. The gore, the characters, the locations, the storytelling. But the thing it does best is, and always...
Family drama is getting thick in this episode. And watching Arthur abuse his family is making Dexter think more and more about the kind of father...
Do you know what this season of AHS needed, Killer Queens? A dark historical reference, that’s what. At least that’s what the writers thought. There’s a...
Thanksgiving can be a stressful time for the most healthy of families. So for a family with a monster at the head, it can get brutal....
In this episode, Dexter and Arthur go on a road trip together. An awkward creepy trip that made me cringe and kind of want to die....
Are you excited for another five tales of terror that could have been pulled right off the sub-reddit No Sleep? Then you’re ready for an episode...
This episode asks a question I think most of us would like the answer to, Killer Queens. How do you tell if someone is possessed, or...
We all make mistakes, some big, some small. Most of our mistakes don’t involve killing an innocent man, of course. But we’ll get to that. This...
This was an exciting episode of Dexter. Not so much because there was a lot of blood. There wasn’t really. But because Dexter and the Trinity...
Well, you can never say there’s a boring episode of AHS, Killer Queens. And this one was certainly no exception. We start right in with the...
This episode of Dexter talks a lot about honesty. Two characters tell the truth, and one lies. One who told the truth probably shouldn’t have. First,...
In the third episode of Web of Darkness, we’re treated to five brand new tales. It took me a while to suss out the underlying theme...
We all need a break sometimes. Especially after a difficult time. And recently Dexter’s had a very difficult time. So when Rita takes the kids to...
It’s time for a new story, Killer Queens. Today we’re beginning American Horror Story, Asylum. Like I said at the beginning of the last season, American...
On the twelfth day of murder house, we’ll be slaughtered by… A formerly breathing doctor One stillborn baby One long-suffering queen One toasty abandoned family A...